
The Old Town Hall has presented many diverse events over the years for all ages in Brookfield and beyond: arts and entertainment; community gatherings for exercise, skating and dancing as well as sumptuous potluck suppers; talks by and with Brookfield citizens about the social, political and economic history of our town; myriad events and projects for children; and talks by writers, politicians, birders, naturalists and more. Most events are free, underwritten by generous area businesses, and donations from citizens. For details on all events, see our yearly newsletters.

Arts & Entertainment:

Over the years there have been weekly musical jam sessions, week-long fiddle camps for all ages, poetry readings and storytelling, plus plenty more music: chamber music, string quartets, jazz, a Spanish guitar and opera duo, and the dance bands Mango Jam and The Starline Rhythm Boys.  


Free weekly yoga and boot camp exercise sessions have attracted all ages, and so have skating parties and hockey games on the pond in winter.  We’ve also come together for ballroom dancing lessons, highly competitive spelling bees, and more.  We start each season with a potluck supper, continue through the summer with harvest markets featuring the area’s bounty, a summer tacos dinner, 2019’s inaugural Oktoberfest, dessert extravaganzas, and wine and cheese tastings, and wind up with our popular Harvest Dinner in October.  


Evenings featuring old-timers and local storytellers talking about early days in Brookfield farming, schooling and family life in general have become annual and well-attended events.


Programs for kids have included crafts camps, Elementary school graduation, Haunted House on Halloween, the “No Strings Marionette Company”, movies, nature walks and blueberry picking, a visit from the Arts Bus, and a visit by the artistic director of Circus Smirkus who brought the wonder and joy of the circus to ALL ages to the Old Town Hall. 


Illumination from talks by writers, politicians, literary scholars and cartoonists as well as experts on birds, geology, tracking catamounts, energy efficiency, flower arranging, land conservation, the emerald ash borer and the needs and habits of loons in our area have brought crowds to OTH.